After we left Rockford in the house on wheels, we had just missed some really bad thunderstorms.
That seems to have been the way that things were working for me and mommy and daddy on this trip. It was almost like God was watching over us and every time that really bad weather was headed our way, we would be getting out of town right before it hit.
So, anyway, we started north and were heading to a Cracker Barrel in Janesville, Wisconsin. I told you that my mommy and daddy love staying at the Cracker Barrel. I was excited because I thought that after my last couple of blogs that maybe, just maybe, mommy and daddy took the hint and would come out with some bacon for me! It didn’t work! Once again, they went in, filled their bellies and came back out with nothing for me! I couldn’t believe it! I was like, “What does a dog have to do to get some bacon around here?!”
From the Cracker Barrel, we were heading to a Harvest Hosts spot called Farm Wisconsin Discovery Center in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Harvest Hosts spots are pretty neat. Generally, it’s a farm or winery or some other neat places were mommy and daddy and I can walk around and we sleep in a field or something like that.

I love baseball!
On our way to that place, we drove right by the stadium where the Milwaukee Brewers play, so of course, daddy had to stop and take some pictures. I got to get out and walk around with daddy too though, which was really cool. They have a little league field built right in the parking lot of the major league stadium. It was really neat and the one nice man that was working there told daddy that home plate was in the exact same spot that home plate was at when old county stadium was there. Daddy seemed to think that was pretty neat, I was just happy to be walking around with daddy.
They were also just getting ready to open the concession stand for an event that they were having at the little field, so daddy asked if we could buy a soft pretzel, and we were allowed to! Unlike at the Cracker Barrel, daddy actually shared some of his pretzel with me. That made me really happy!
After the stadium, we drove up to the Harvest Hosts place. Mommy went in to get us checked in and then we parked right next to a big

The sunflower field was neat and smelled good.
sunflower field. It was one of the coolest things that I’ve ever seen! There were sunflowers everywhere and we were even able to walk through a big sunflower maze.
When daddy and I went outside the house on wheels to go potty, well I was going potty outside, daddy doesn’t go potty outside. Him and mommy go potty in the bathroom in the house on wheels, that’s why we have to dump our yucky tanks about once a week. When I go potty outside, mommy or daddy (mostly mommy) picks it up with a special bag and they toss it in the trash can right away. I just wanted to clarify that for everyone.
Anyway, back to my story, when we were outside, this nice big man started talking to daddy. His name was Jesse. He liked me. He petted me at all of the right spots. He also lives in a house on wheels, but his house on wheels gets pulled behind his pick-up truck. After a while, Frankie, who lives in Jesse’s house on wheels with him came over and started talking too. Then mommy came out, and she started talking, it was like one big party of people who live in houses on wheels. The other thing that made it fun for me is that I just kept walking between the four of them so that they could all pet me. They all seemed to know just the right spots to hit! It was glorious!

Wisconsin Cotton Candy Sunset.
Jesse and Frankie went to get ice cream and me and mommy and daddy walked around the place more and watched the cotton candy colored sunset.
The next day mommy and daddy went into the discovery center place and learned all about Wisconsin farming. I was just hoping that they would find out where we could get the cheese at.
Once they came out, they were telling me about how they saw two mommy cows give birth to two baby calves. Daddy didn’t seem nearly as excited about this as mommy did. His face was a little green when he talked about it. On the other hand, mommy was smiling and had tears in her eyes and was telling me that it was the miracle of life. I listened to her, but was still wondering if we found out where the cheese was yet.
When we left the discovery center, we went to get ice cream. I got a tiny little lick of ice cream, but mommy and daddy both had a lot more

Me in Lake Michigan
than I did. After ice cream, we had a lot of fun. There was a neat park just down the street from the ice cream place. It was right along Lake Michigan. We walked all around that park. Me and daddy dipped our toes into Lake Michigan and mommy rode a little mini zip line thingy that was at the park. It looked like she had a lot of fun riding that zip line thingy for sure. She was laughing and smiling from ear to ear. I love hearing my mommy laugh and seeing her smiling.
We did find a cheese place, but it turned out that it was closed already when we got there. I was so sad, but mommy and daddy said that we would be stopping at other cheese places the next day.
We stopped at another park for a little bit and then started to drive to Green Bay. Once we got to Green Bay, Mommy and daddy ate at a

Mommy gazing at Lake Michigan and thanking God for having me as a doggie.
Culver’s. All they did when they came out was rave about how good it was, but they didn’t bring me anything again.
That night, we slept in a Sam’s Club parking lot.
The next day was one of the best ever though. It was about cheese, cheese and more cheese!
First, we had to get pictures of the Green Bay Packers stadium, but after that, it was all about the cheese.
The first place that we stopped at mommy and daddy came back out with a bag of these things called cheese curds. I never heard of a cheese curd before, but I was willing to try them. Mommy and daddy barely got into the house on wheels and they were opening that bag of cheese curds right up. These were orange cheddar cheese curds and the same cheese curds that they sell at Green Bay Packers games. I tried one, and it was like heaven in my mouth. It was a little weird at first because they squeaked when I chewed them, but man did they ever taste amazing! I was like, “Why did you only get one bag?”
We went to another place and got more cheese! Mommy said to daddy that she thought that we might have gotten too much cheese and daddy told her there was no such thing as too much cheese. I have to agree with daddy on that one.
We made a few more stops and then got some wine for mommy before heading through an Indian reservation on our way to Antigo. Mommy and daddy were going to be volunteering at a raptor sanctuary in Antigo the next week.
We stayed in a Wal-Mart parking lot Saturday night and then Sunday morning we went to a park for a walk and mommy and daddy dumped our yucky tanks and did some laundry before we went to meet all of the other people who had already been volunteering.
I liked this place right away because when mommy and daddy came back from this pot luck thing that they went to, they had more cheese! They even had more cheese curds! This time they were white cheddar cheese curds, but they tasted just as incredible to me.
That whole week, mommy and daddy would get up pretty early in the morning and mommy would make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for their lunch and they would leave me in the house on wheels jamming to some good music for the day. One day, I watched TV, but I really do prefer music.
Every afternoon when they came home, they would be really sweaty and they smelled like birds. I was ok with them leaving me alone each day to listen to music because they explained to me that the place that they were volunteering at was kind of like the place that I was born at, just that it was for birds instead of for doggies.
Mommy and daddy sure did like what they were doing. They met so many awesome people, and so did I. They were a little bit sad when we left, but they said that they were very fulfilled too.
The day we left; daddy did a podcast with Marge Gibson. Mommy and daddy told me that Marge was to birds what Auntie Robin is to dogs. Auntie Robin is the awesome lady that founded and used to run DVGRR, the place where I was born at. I knew that Marge had to be pretty cool for the birds if she was the Auntie Robin of birds. This again made me approve of mommy and daddy helping for the week.
After Antigo, we were headed to Madison so that daddy could do another podcast with one of the former AAGPBL players.
Of course, we were back at a Cracker Barrel for Saturday night and then Sunday morning we did some wash before we drove over for daddy’s podcast.
The lady that daddy talked to this time was Toni Palermo. I liked her because after she did her podcast with daddy, she insisted on coming out to the house on wheels to meet me! She petted me and called me beautiful and said I was such a good dog. She was a nun after she stopped playing baseball, so everything that she said about me was true.
She then wanted to get her picture taken with me in front of the house on wheels and daddy and I both walked back to her house with her. She was one really neat lady! Daddy said that she was a trailblazer. I don’t really know what that means, but I do know that she was awesome.
After we left Sister Toni’s house, we went to another Harvest Hosts spot in southwestern Wisconsin. It was called Hawk’s Mill Winery. As soon as we got there, mommy and daddy went in and had dinner. They brought back some homemade dog treats for me, and they were bacon flavored! Score!
The next morning, we drove to Iowa and I’ll tell you all about that in my next blog.
For now, though, I have to help mommy and daddy eat all of this amazing Wisconsin cheese!
Oh…here’s a video that daddy made of me watching him…
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