It took me less than one day to have Cousin Carole trained again.
By Monday afternoon when I walked into to her house, she asked me if I wanted a piece of chicken right away! I thought that it would take me a few days to have her retrained, but I even impressed myself with how quick I had her back in line.
It’s so fun when we stay at Cousin Carole’s house. I get to roam around her house and her backyard. She has some other dogs for neighbors, but I make sure that as soon as I get into her backyard that I start letting them know that I am there and I am the boss. I haven’t seen those other dogs yet, but I sure do hear them. That’s why when they start yelling over the fence to me, I make sure to yell back and let them know that I am there.
One of the other things that I love about our visits to Cousin Carole’s house is that we get to take some really cool walks. There is a park just down the street from her house that we walk to everyday. Me and mommy and daddy walk anywhere from 2-1/2 to four miles each day. We always go to the park, but we switch up our route and the trails that we take.
We saw alligators out in the lake on three of the days that we walked. I told mommy and daddy that I would protect them if an alligator ever came out of the water after us. Daddy said that I was getting a little too big for my britches when I said that. I have no idea what he meant by that. I don’t even know what britches are, so how could I be too big for them? All I know is that I would never let my mommy and daddy get hurt and I mean that.
The only thing that I don’t like about Largo is that I can’t go to the beach because they don’t allow dogs on their beaches there. Crazy in my mind, but it is what it is. There is a dog beach by the causeway which I hope that mommy and daddy take me to before we leave. I just can’t imagine being around all of this water and not being able to dip my paws into any of it.
Me and mommy and daddy pretty much had the same routine every day at Cousin Carole’s house. We would wake up, go inside the house to greet Cousin Carole, pee and poop in her backyard, well, mommy and daddy don’t pee and poop in her backyard, but I do. Then I would eat breakfast, then I would beg for some of mommy and daddy’s breakfast. Successfully, I might add. Then shortly after breakfast, we would take a nice long walk. After our walk, we would come back to the house on wheels and take a nap. I love naps almost as much as I love walks. I love food more than both naps and walks though. I would beg from mommy and daddy at lunch and dinner, again successfully. Whenever Cousin Carole was home, she would always make sure that I got some treats too.
There were a couple of days that Cousin Carole had to go away for work, but I would still look for her in the house both of the mornings that she was gone.
As soon as she got back, she came up to the house on wheels and said, “Hi” to me. I’ll let mommy and daddy think that she wanted to say hi to them too, but I know that she really just wanted to see me.
Once the weekend came around, I was really in heaven! There were so many people that came over to Cousin Carole’s house just to see me that I could hardly keep track of everyone.
It actually started on Thursday already when Tim came up to the house on wheels to see me. I love Tim. He’s always so happy. Tim is a really good petter too. Later Thursday evening, Cousin Carole’s neighbor, Ed came over to see me. I must say that he was quite a good petter too. He brought over some fudge, which smelled amazing, but I can’t have any. No matter how much of a sad puppy dog face I put on, mommy and daddy won’t ever let me have any fudge.
Friday was like Grand Central Station at Cousin Carole’s house. It started right away on Friday morning when Cousin Carole’s friends Brian and Lisa arrived. Of course, they both fell in love with me right away. Later on in the day, more friends showed up. Lisa made some chicken for dinner, but I didn’t get any. They all used the, “it’s too spicy for you” line on me, but it smelled so good.
I had a great time though, there were like eleven people there. After we all hung around Cousin Carole’s house, we all walked down to Tim’s house, which is only nine houses down from Cousin Caroles to sit around the fire pit. That was awesome too! Tim got out some treats and it seemed like everyone was grabbing a treat and giving me one. I had no complaints about this at all, but mommy was worried that I might get a belly ache. I didn’t though, I felt just great! Not only was everyone giving me treats, they were all also petting me. It was one of the most awesome nights of my life!
On Saturday morning, Cousin Carole and Tim both went on our walk with us. I love walking with mommy and daddy, but I always love when we have friends walk with us too.
After our walk, Mommy and daddy went to a place where they bought some foods that we used to get when we lived in Pennsylvania. I know that they’ll share all of that yummy food with me once they start eating it. I can’t wait for that!

This is just me being my most awesome self.
Saturday night, everyone went to see the sunset without me because of that dumb “no dog on the beach rule.” So, I just stayed in the house on wheels and listened to music. Mommy and daddy and Cousin Carole got back before Brian and Lisa did, so we all went into the house and Cousin Carole gave me some chicken and then all kinds of treats too. Then, just when I thought that I couldn’t train Cousin Carole any better, she decided that she wanted me to jump up on her couch and snuggle with her. I wasn’t sure if it was a trick at first, but she kept saying, “Come up!” So, finally I hopped up on the couch with her and snuggled for a little bit. It really made her happy. That’s what I do best, make people happy.
Saturday night there were some really bad thunderstorms that came through the area, but I just slept through them all. I sleep really well. They didn’t bother me at all.
Sunday was more of the same with a lot of new people coming over to Cousin Carole’s house. There were three more new people that came over to visit me. They were also watching football games, but I know that the main reason that they came over was to visit me.
At first, they were all really loud, so I figured that’s what we were going to be doing, just getting loud and having fun. So, I started running all around the house and the yard and started barking really loud too. Daddy didn’t seem to like that too much, but I was just playing along with everyone else.
Cousin Carole was a little sad on Sunday because she likes the Eagles and they got whipped pretty bad by the Buccaneers. Daddy was happy most of the day until the Steelers played. Then they got whipped pretty bad by the Chiefs and daddy wasn’t all that happy anymore either. I guess that it just wasn’t a great day for Pennsylvania football teams.
I’m starting to get a little sad because I know that we only have a few more days to visit Cousin Carole. It’s going to be a sad day for me when I leave, but like all of our other sad good-byes, it will be a little exciting too. We’re going to be heading to the Tampa RV Show and we’ll get to see not only mommy and daddy’s friends, Phil and Shar from A Year to Volunteer again, but we’re also going to get to see a bunch of other people that mommy and daddy volunteered with too! It’s going to be so exciting! I know that mommy and daddy are really looking forward to seeing their friends again and so am I.
After the Tampa RV Show, we’ll start to head back to Melbourne to Aunt Sally and Uncle Randy’s house.
But first, we have to stop to get yummy strawberries in Plant City. Did I ever tell you how much I love strawberries? They are one of my favorite snacks. As soon as mommy or daddy get strawberries out, I start drooling all over the place until they give me some. Mommy and daddy don’t like when I start drooling all over the place, but I just can’t help myself. As soon as I smell them, I just lose control of my drool and it starts going everywhere!
I can’t wait to see Aunt Sally and Uncle Randy. I love them so much and I haven’t seen them since last June. It’s going to be great to see them again!
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