Episode #101 – Many little people in many little places.

As we kick off the second 100 episodes of The Journey of My Mother’s Son podcast, I thought that it would be interesting to put together a compilation of some of the answers to my final question from the first 100 episodes.

As you all know, the subtitle of the podcast is, “Many little people in many little places.”  It is inspired by the opening lyrics of the Michael Franti song, “Gloria.”

Those lyrics state, “When many little people in many little places, do many little things, then the whole world changes.”

With those lyrics in mind, I ask all of my guests the same final question, which is, “What is one of the little things that you do on a daily basis to help make the world a little better place?”

There has never been a bad answer to that question on the show.  Most of the answers have helped restore my hope in humanity.  Obviously, I couldn’t put together all 100 answers, but I was able to put together a few.  These are not necessarily the best answers, they’re just some of the answers, in no particular order.

I hope that they will help restore your hope in humanity as well as inspire you to go out and do something little each day in order to help make the world a better place.

Click on either of the links below to listen to these amazing answers.