In this episode of “The Journey of My Mother’s Son” podcast, we are going to turn the tables a little bit.

Back in July, I sat down with Michael Mitreuter, co-founder and managing partner of MammothMarch to talk about his long-distance endurance hiking series.  At that time, I had just signed up to participate in the MammothMarch – New Jersey event.  I was fascinated by the entire concept of a long-distance hiking event, so I wanted to learn more about the inspiration behind starting the series.

The staff of MammothMarch got in me in touch with the man at the top and we scheduled the show.

I felt an immediate connection with Michael and was very comfortable talking to him.

We were able to meet at the event in Jersey and talk a little bit at the end as things were starting to wind down.  Since I had now participated in the event, we decided that we would schedule another podcast that would be able to give a different perspective following the experience.  We decided that another cool angle of this episode would be for Michael to ask me some questions about my experience hiking in the event.

We were both game, so we flipped roles for this episode and Michael is the guest host, asking me about my experience participating in my first long-distance endurance hiking event.

I really enjoyed this conversation and look forward to hiking in many more MammothMarch events in the future.  My niece, son-in-law, and I have already registered for the 2023 MammothMarch – New Jersey event.

To find out more about the MammothMarch hiking series or register for an event, check out their website at

Click on either of the links below to listen to the conversation: