In this episode of “The Journey of My Mother’s Son” podcast, I sit down to talk with Daniel Packard.
Daniel is a U.C. Berkeley Mechanical Engineer and Anxiety Solution Pioneer whose research company engineered world’s only permanent anxiety solution program where you only pay at the end of the program, once you have clear, measurable results.
Daniel’s passion for inventing and results came from his father. As a child growing up in Berkeley, CA, Daniel’s father (who was a scientist and inventor) told 10-year-old Daniel two things that stuck with him for the rest of his life. His dad told him ‘If something isn’t working, invent something better.’ And ‘If you want to really make people’s lives better…results matter.’
After, staying in an abusive relationship too long, Daniel ended up with severe anxiety and PSTD. After spending 10 years and $100,000 trying solve his anxiety he learned that a trillion dollars is spent globally on mental health, but not getting people in pain permanent results. Remembering what his dad told him, that ‘results matter’ and because he was trained in engineering school to know how to engineer solutions to complex problems, Daniel took a stand against the mental health industry and started his own research company with the goal to see if it was possible to reverse engineer a process from scratch that could solve anxiety permanently in a short period of time.
Daniel and his team were not therapists or doctors or psychologists. They were not traditional experts, they were outsiders. Because they were outsiders, they were open to discovering what the experts had missed. Daniel and his team made the huge breakthrough discovery that even though the experts say anxiety is a problem of the mind, the research revealed anxiety is actually a problem of the body.
Based on this discovery Daniel and his team spent a total of 8 years, working with over 3000 people (from 5 continents) to develop, test and perfect an innovative 6-week program that in just 6 weeks solves all forms of anxiety permanently with an industry leading 90% success rate.
This 6-week program called Nervous System Reset has helped hundreds of individual clients but also over 3000 people at over 300 companies and universities all over the world.
Including the South African government which asked to make Nervous System Reset a part of the national mental health curriculum.
Based in his mission to take a stand against the mental health industry which takes people’s money and doesn’t deliver permanent results, people who join Nervous System Reset only pay at the end of the process once they have clear, measurable permanent results.
Daniel’s company is the only one in the world to offer a permanent anxiety solution with backed up results. This is because Daniel passionately believes what his dad told him years ago, which is that if you really want to make people’s lives better…results matter.
To find out more about Daniel, check out his website at
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