Author: Youkilis (The Golden Retriever)

Bonjour! I’m officially an International Traveling Puppy!

Bonjour means hello in French.  I learned that when we went to Canada this past week.  In Canada, they speak French and English, so I learned how to say, “hello” in French.

We went to Niagara Falls, and it sure was amazing.

But before I tell you all about Niagara Falls, let me tell you about what we did before we got there.

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Four Paws and Six Wheels Pre-Sale Starts Today!

I really worked hard to write this book, but there were other people who helped me do it too.  I had my friend, Rachel Wertz illustrate the book for me. She’s a really good artist.  My other friend, Mikki Murry did the editing to make sure that it made sense for everyone who read it.  She’s really smart, my daddy uses her as his editor too.  My mommy and daddy helped me too.  It was really a team effort.

I’m going to be donating a portion of the proceeds from my book sales to the Delaware Valley Golden Retriever Rescue (DVGRR).  They are a great organization that helps puppies like me.  As a matter of fact, they helped me too!  They rescued my mommy from a puppy mill when I was still in her belly.  I don’t know what my life would have been like if they hadn’t rescued my mommy, but I am pretty sure that I wouldn’t be traveling around the country in the house on wheels with my mommy and daddy.

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I’m an Author!

I don’t know what my life would have been like without DVGRR, so I am going to be donating a portion of the proceeds from the sales of my books to them.  They are such a wonderful organization!  The more money that I can raise for them, the more puppies they can rescue and find great furever homes for, like they did for me.  I can’t even imagine what my life would be like if it wasn’t for DVGRR.

But because DVGRR rescued me when I was in my mommy’s belly and my furever mommy and daddy were able to adopt me from them, I get to travel all over the country with them in our house on wheels.  My book will tell you all about our adventures!

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What Happened to 70-Degrees?

My mommy and daddy told me that when we started living in the house on wheels, we would always be in 70-degree weather.

Well, they lied.

It is November, we are still in Pennsylvania, and it is cold!

Honestly though, I am ok with the cold, other than the fact that I must motivate my daddy to walk me more when it is cold out.  My daddy seems to have turned into a fair-weather walker since we have started living in the house on wheels.

He was upset because he donated all of his UnderArmour Cold Gear when we sold the big house.  He said to mommy, “I’ll never need this stuff again, we’re always going to be in warm weather from now on.”

Mommy said, “You may want to hang on to some, just in case.”

But daddy insisted he would not need it again.

Well guess what daddy bought a few weeks ago…

That’s right, UnderArmour Cold Gear!  A mock turtleneck, leggings, facemask, gloves, the whole works!

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