Tag: Appalachian Trail

Erin Pappas – Ballplayer, Nature Lover, Single Mom, and Hero

Erin and I first connected through social media back in 2016 during the time that I was building my network of female baseball players and advocates of women and girls playing baseball.  We immediately connected because she was also an avid Red Sox fan.  Like many of the women that I was connecting with at that time, she had participated in the first ever Boston Red Sox Women’s Fantasy Camp.

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Ray Schell – A Life Experience of Appreciating God’s Creation

Ray and I have known each other since high school.  He graduated a year before me.  After graduation, he was a part of a small group of friends that all became very close for a few years.  Our little tribe did just about everything together.

Ray went off to work in Alaska in 1990 and never returned to Pennsylvania.  Thankfully we have been able to stay connected through social media.

Sandy and I were able to visit with Ray and his wife, Judy Rae in Decker, Montana at the state park in which he runs, Tongue River Reservoir State Park.  After not seeing each other for almost 30 years, we had a lot of catching up to do, but it seemed as though we were able to pick up right where we left off.

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