Tag: April Crossley

Alex Smith – The Journey of Two Mother’s Sons

Alex is the son of my good friend, and fellow full-time RVer, April Crossley.  We met back in September at Henrys Lake State Park in Idaho.  We were able to stay a few days in the same campground as April and her husband, Justin, and Alex and his girlfriend came out to visit them during that same timeframe as well.

During the podcast, Alex and I exchange stories of what it was like when our mothers told us that they were going to be embarking on these crazy journeys.  I was much younger when my mom decided to travel around the country in an old 1967 Plymouth Valiant, but it was interesting to get the perspective of what someone else’s reaction was like when they received the news as well.

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My Kind of Weird

About a week ago, Sandy and I were able to connect and spend time with April and her husband Justin in Idaho.  It was the first time that we had actually met in person.  To some, I’m sure that seems a little bit strange, but to those of us who are the same kind of weird, it’s perfectly normal.  We already knew that we had a connection long before we ever met face to face.  We knew that God had us cross paths for a reason.

My favorite Steve Jobs quote goes like this…

“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

The best part of our journey has been connecting with like-minded people.  That was April and Justin.  Very like-minded people. 

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When Sandy and I started this journey, a big part of it for me was to find that connection that my mother found along her journey.  That real human connection.  Covid stripped that from us in the beginning to an extent, but I am grateful for those who we have connected with so far.  There are too many people to list, and if I try to, I will miss some.  But just know, that if you are reading this, and we’ve been fortunate enough to spend time with you since we’ve been on this journey, those moments, whether long or short are the fuel that continues to feed my soul.  Everyone that we’ve connected with and have been blessed to spend time with thus far, are my kind of weird.  We have nothing to gain from them, and they have nothing to gain from us.  We can just feed off of each other’s presence and friendship.  As I had written in my last blog, this journey has allowed us to connect with some people in person who I had only been connected with through social media prior to us meeting.  The first time that we ever did that, Sandy thought that it was a little bit strange.  She was hesitant, but to this day, she will tell you that one of our most special visits on this journey was with Homa and Andrew Schweers in Virginia.

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April Crossley – Life Should be an Experience

April and I have been friends on Facebook for several years, but have only really started to get to know one another last year when we found out that we were both getting ready to ditch the life that our society says that we should be living.

Within a few months of each other, Sandy and I in August of 2020 and April and her husband, Justin in October of 2020 started off on our new journeys.  We all had an understanding that life needs to be experienced by getting outside and soaking in Vitamin D while making memories that will last a lifetime.  All of the “things” that we end up accumulating over time are really just that, things.  Most of which are really not actually needed.  What is needed for the true human experience is connection.  Connection to others, to nature, and to God.

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