Tag: Christian

Morgan McCarver – The Potter and the Clay

Morgan was born and raised in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Her work is inspired by her female mentors of past and present, as well as her connection to Victorian corsetry through her scoliosis journey. She received an art degree with a ceramic’s concentration and a double minor in art history and business in 2019 from Anderson University in Anderson, SC.

McCarver had the honor of receiving the 2019 Outstanding Art Major Ceramics Award her senior year. As a 2020 701 Center for Contemporary Art prize finalist, she had the honor of being the youngest artist to ever make it that far. She is a multi-award-winning artist who recently received an Artist Support Grant to attend a national ceramics conference. She has had the honor of displaying her work in 2 solo exhibitions, “FemininiTEA” 2020 and “The Strength of a Wildflower” 2022. She recently completed a residency at Edgewood Cottage in Blowing Rock Summer 2023 and participated 2022 as well. McCarver has studios in Asheville, NC and Spartanburg, SC. Her art can be found in various galleries around the Carolinas and Tennessee.

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Kim Sorrelle – Cry Until You Laugh

Kim Sorrelle is the director of a humanitarian organization, popular speaker, and the author of two books. Her first book, Cry Until You Laugh, is about her and her husband’s battle with cancer after being diagnosed just four months a part. Her second book, Love Is, chronicles her year long quest to figure out the true meaning of love, a sometimes funny, sometimes scary, always enlightening journey that led to life-changing discoveries found mostly on the streets of Haiti.

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Tabatha Perry – Small Edits

Tabatha Perry is the ultimate go-to for women that are the non 9-5ers. She encourages and equips women that are wanting less chaos and to get their daily life on track! With over 15 years of experience in the Criminal Justice System, 20+ moves under her belt, has a Masters in Social Worker, girl-mom, wifey and Life Coach, she’s got advice that will make any day less stressful for the woman juggling many balls in the air! As a professional over-thinker, she’s learned how to simplify her day and loves helping women create simple & small edits in their daily life so they step into their fullest God-given potential!

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Brandon Puffer – From the Bullpen to the State Pen

Brandon’s story explains how he went from reaching great heights as an MLB World Series winner to falling to the very bottom, serving 3-1/2 years in prison. He has humbly watched as everything has gotten restored in his life, and he know feels as though he is here to help others learn from his expensive lessons and show that we don’t have to let our worst mistakes define us.

After a 15-year professional baseball career, four of which were spent in the Major Leagues, Brandon had fallen to great depths and has come out on the other side with important lessons to share with those who might find themselves facing tough obstacles or set-backs in their own lives.

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