Tag: Jeff Potter

It Might not have been Heaven, but it was Magical

Anyone who knows me, knows that baseball is in my blood, so to get to visit the Field of Dreams site was pretty exciting for me to say the least.

Ever since I can remember, baseball has been a part of my life.  For me, it was always about more than just the game itself.  It was the entire experience.  From seeing a perfectly groomed field before the game begins, the smell of the fresh cut grass, the sight of the perfectly straight white lines which have been applied with mastery.  Those lines and their perfect 90-degree angles.  Their contrast on the brown infield dirt and bright green outfield grass.  It is truly about as perfect of a scene that a human could create.

The hustle and bustle of the crowd, the smell of the hot dogs, peanuts, and popcorn.  All of it combined makes it so much more than just a game for me.

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Jeff Potter – World’s Largest Game of Catch

In this episode of The Journey of my Mother’s Son podcast, I sit down and talk with my good friend, Jeff Potter.

This is the second podcast that I’ve done with Jeff.  We’ve known each other for over 12 years now and our common love for baseball, teaching kids life lessons through the game and giving back is what makes us such great friends.

One of the most iconic lines in movie history goes like this, “Hey…Dad, you want to have a catch?”

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