Tag: Leadership Coach

Walt Morgan – Taking Flight with Leadership

Walt is a professional Integral Coach who partners with clients from all walks of life to achieve the personal and professional developmental goals that are most important to them.

He served in the U.S. Navy for 23 years as a helicopter pilot and retired at the rank of Commander.  He has also been an associate professor, teaching leadership and management and an in-house leadership consultant, coach and facilitator for a Fortune 200 healthcare company.

Walt lives in Boulder, Colorado with his wife Dana, their two teenage children and Hank, the dog.  He loves exploring the backcountry with dear friends and a fly-fishing rod.

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Mindy Aisling – One Person at a Time

Mindy Aisling is a professionally trained and board-certified life, authenticity, and entrepreneur coach. is a passionate and dedicated authenticity coach who has made it their mission to empower individuals and inspire transformative change. With a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of human potential, Mindy brings a unique blend of expertise, compassion, and unwavering support to guide clients on their journey toward personal and professional fulfillment.

With over 13 years of experience in the field of personal development, Mindy has honed her skills in helping clients overcome obstacles and unlock their full potential. She have successfully supported individuals from diverse backgrounds in areas such as career transitions, relationship building, self-confidence, mindset transformation, and goal achievement.

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Bridgit Norris – Time to REVOLT

Bridgit is a game-changing Leadership Coach who uses a conscious and ethical approach to help her clients achieve success in both their businesses and personal lives. She is known for her straight-talking, no-nonsense approach and her weekly community “THE REVOLT WEEKLY” which serves as a support group for rule-breaking individuals looking for inspiration, guidance, and real talk. Bridgit is a leader of a revolution and her community is filled with like-minded individuals ready to break free and create something extraordinary.

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