Tag: Leadership Development

Walt Morgan – Taking Flight with Leadership

Walt is a professional Integral Coach who partners with clients from all walks of life to achieve the personal and professional developmental goals that are most important to them.

He served in the U.S. Navy for 23 years as a helicopter pilot and retired at the rank of Commander.  He has also been an associate professor, teaching leadership and management and an in-house leadership consultant, coach and facilitator for a Fortune 200 healthcare company.

Walt lives in Boulder, Colorado with his wife Dana, their two teenage children and Hank, the dog.  He loves exploring the backcountry with dear friends and a fly-fishing rod.

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Don Colliver – Clown Presence

Don has performed with the Blue Man Group, toured internationally as a theatrical Clown for contemporary circus Spiegelworld, and is listed in the Cirque du Soleil performer database.

Don’s mission is to help every communicator profoundly impact their audience through the power of authenticity, listening, and play: the Secrets of Clown!

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