Tag: Masculinity

Nico Lagan – Entrepreneur on the Road

Nico Lagan is a men’s coach, an entrepreneur, a Muay Thai instructor, podcaster and sales professional. He strives to helps men achieve their personal legends by becoming strong men.

Nico grew up without the guidance of a strong masculine figure. It sent him on the search of a mentor. Not knowing what he was looking, he associated with and idolized the wrong men. His decisions has a teen to quit school and sale drugs lead him on the wrong path.

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Mitch Hankins – The DeBug Life

Mitch Hankins is a cloud-certified full-stack developer who speaks to professionals who struggle to find meaning in life. He has developed his expertise by working with some of the largest organizations in the US, including Nasdaq and the US Military. With over a decade of professional experience, Mitch noticed he and his colleagues often struggled with feelings of isolation. This often led to an unfulfilled life where complacency and loneliness were the norms. Mitch can help any engineer with feelings of loneliness to experience a fuller and more connected life.

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