Tag: Meditation

Billy Lahr – Live More Intentionally

In 2021, Billy was one of 47 million Americans who quit their jobs due to burnout and priority re-evaluation.  Following the challenges our nation’s educators faced during the pandemic, he no longer had the passion needed to work with high school students.  For the next two years, he traveled all over the world in search of meaningful experiences to reignite his passion for helping others.  Throughout his journey, he met many incredible people along the way, and he shared with them how his mindfulness practice not only changed his life but most likely saved it as well.  When he opened up about his own mental health struggles, he found that people all over the world were also re-evaluating their priorities in life but just needed guidance to do so more intentionally and mindfully.

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Emma Rowena – Embracing Peace in the Journey

Emma Rowena is a musician, performer, intuitive reader, healer, meditation guide, and emerging social entrepreneur, helping people find peace, purpose, and healing in their lives.

Emma was born in the UK, grew up in Norway, and has lived in Cuba and the USA. With her bilingual and bicultural heritage, Emma never felt quite at home in one place – she always felt more part of the greater world, and the years abroad helped her connect to her energy and colours. Inspired by her music-loving, piano-playing father, Emma studied to be a classical pianist. For nearly two decades she made her living teaching children to play the piano, and performing with some of Norway’s most renowned singers and soloists.

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Emanuel Rose – Inspired by Nature

Emanuel is the author of the new children’s book series, Wenaha Henry.

Wenaha Henry Seeds to a Tree is a truly lyrical and spirited tale that takes children on a beautiful tour of nature, coupled with vibrant illustrations and impactful storytelling that shows the unbreakable bond between nature and the creatures who live within its glory.

Wenaha Henry guides children through the Wenaha mountains and rivers, teaching them about:

The ecosystem
The importance of family
The value of generational storytelling

How our actions, both good and bad, intentional or unintentional, can have an impact on those around us.

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Daphne Erhart – Traveling for the Soul

Dr. Daphne Erhart, is an international life coach, psychologist, master NLP practitioner, bestselling author, speaker, world traveler, self-care expert, and founder of spa4thesoul. 

With over 25 years of experience in the field of psychology, Dr. Daphne knows how crucial it is to nurture your inner self first.  She leads clients through this process of mental, physical, and emotional wellness.

Join Dr. Daphne’s Soul Spa to nurture and transform your inner self and live the life of your dreams via self-care experiences. You can live a deeply satisfying and healthy lifestyle by experiencing new ways of thinking, living, being, and relating. 

She is inspired by witnessing the deep happiness, health, and fulfillment of those who take care of themselves and have changed their lives as well as the preventable suffering from unresolved problems and diseases.

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Kathy Robinson – Wholehearted Living

She was a Chief Audit Executive and Chief Risk Officer before turning the lens from professional assessments to personal ones and began helping her clients optimize their well-being, especially in times of transition or when striving toward new wellness goals.

She also teaches and facilitates online offerings based on her wellness methodology that include practices such as writing and meditation.

Kathy takes a holistic approach to optimal well-being that addresses mind, body and spirit.  One of her “superpowers” is the ability to make these topics relatable and meaningful for Type-A executives and entrepreneurs, especially those who have maxed out or become burnt out and disconnected.

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