Tag: Nature

Michael Mitreuter – Turning the Tables

Back in July, I sat down with Michael Mitreuter, co-founder and managing partner of MammothMarch to talk about his long-distance endurance hiking series.  At that time, I had just signed up to participate in the MammothMarch – New Jersey event.  I was fascinated by the entire concept of a long-distance hiking event, so I wanted to learn more about the inspiration behind starting the series.

The staff of MammothMarch got in me in touch with the man at the top and we scheduled the show.

I felt an immediate connection with Michael and was very comfortable talking to him.

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One Foot in Front of the Other

Again, those are the things that draw me toward hiking, the life metaphors.

In life, sometimes we will walk alone, other times we will walk with others.  We will have uphill climbs and we will have some downhill slopes.  Sometimes our path with be a little rough and other times it is going to be smooth and flat.  We may get some sunshine; we may get clouds and rain.  Sometimes we are going to have to navigate through the dark.   There will be times where we can pick up the pace and make good time and there are going to other times that we must slow down and carefully watch where we are stepping in order to not trip or lose our balance.  There are going to be times when we feel tired and weak and times when we are strong and vibrant.  We need to recognize when we need to take a break and when to push through.  But regardless of what our path throws at us, we just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward.

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Marjorie Turner Hollman – Easy Walks

Easy Walks has become a shorthand, Marjorie’s “brand,” for finding ways to open up the outdoors for those with mobility issues. Searching for healing in the face of unexpected life changes is her focus, derived from personal experience of sudden paralysis and partial recovery. Learning to make peace with life changes has become a theme of Marjorie’s books and presentations. Lending a helping hand to others who struggle with life’s challenges is an important part of Marjorie’s work.

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Michael Mitreuter – Mammoth March

In today’s hectic world full of (digital) distraction, information overload and daily routine, we are looking for ways to slow down and recharge – our bodies, minds and souls.

At the same time, we must get out of our comfort zone and push our boundaries to become a better version of ourselves as well as to help reverse the decline in the environmental health of our planet.

MammothMarch is a one-of-a-kind adventure that gives you the opportunity to do all of the above.

Unplug. Recharge.

Reach your limits. Push them.

Are you ready for the challenge of a lifetime? Let’s get there together. Step by step.

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Mike Latona – More Life Lessons in Action

Just like last week’s guest, Collin Fesi, we were able to reconnect with Mike in Maryland.  What a blessing that night was to not just see one of my former players, but two in the same night.  Mike and Collin played for our organization a few years apart, but it was neat to see how they connected immediately knowing that they had that Berkshire Baseball experience in common.  I hope that they stay in contact now that they know each other.

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