Tag: Niagara Falls

Time to Adventure Again!

Wednesday was a really great day at Knoebel’s because a lot of people came up to visit me that day!  Matthew and Rebecca were still there and Jason, Rebecca’s boyfriend was there.  He actually came to see me on Tuesday, but stayed until we all left on Thursday.  But on Wednesday, Sherry, and Stephen, and Alex and his girlfriend, Kaylynn, and Lizze, and Stephie, and Lillian, and Lillian’s friend Kelsey all came to Knoebel’s just to visit with me!  It was an awesome day!

After Knoebel’s, we were headed back to Matthew’s house for the weekend before starting our next adventure.

I’m really excited for our next adventure!

We’re going to be headed to Colorado for a book signing tour for me and daddy.  I’m not 100% sure if I’m going to be able to sign with daddy, but I should be able to.  I’ve never seen the Rocky Mountains before, so I can’t wait to see them.  It’s going to be really exciting.  We haven’t been that far west since 2021 and I really loved seeing that part of the country back then.

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Bonjour! I’m officially an International Traveling Puppy!

Bonjour means hello in French.  I learned that when we went to Canada this past week.  In Canada, they speak French and English, so I learned how to say, “hello” in French.

We went to Niagara Falls, and it sure was amazing.

But before I tell you all about Niagara Falls, let me tell you about what we did before we got there.

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