Tag: Peace

Soul Family Retreats

Be part of our Soul Family!

Over the years, Sandy and I have been blessed to meet so many amazing humans throughout our travels.  People who many times come into our lives as strangers and stay in our lives as part of our Soul Family.

As a matter of fact, most of the people on this email list are people who we have met in person, people who I have shared a screen with on a podcast, or both.  My email list isn’t your typical “marketing email blast list.”  It’s truly made up of mostly people who I have connected with personally at some point in our journey.

The greatest part of our never-ending road trip is the ability to connect and reconnect with people we love throughout the country.  I value that connection more than you could ever imagine.

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Robyn Robleto – Nomads with a Purpose

Robyn is an author, mindset coach, and lifelong questioner, she lives life by the motto of “wake up to start every day” and it’s what led her to leap into the RV lifestyle so many years ago.

Robyn is a lot of things but boring and normal are not one of them. We tend to joke around that Robyn doesn’t fit into any category because she is all them- climber, surfer, runner, entrepreneur, RVer, health nut, yogi, coffee addict, and mother of five. Yes, she is a little crazy.  But if that’s what it takes to live a life like hers, then bring it on.

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Aliza Hava – Music is Healing

In this episode of “The Journey of My Mother’s Son” podcast, I sit down to talk with Aliza Hava.

I was honored to have the incredibly talented singer songwriter, Aliza Hava on my show.  We talk about music, trauma, healing, life, and the state of our world today.  Most importantly, we talk about the role in which music can play in our lives to help heal past trauma and help us connect with each other and God.

Ethereal. Enlightening. Medicine for the soul. Aliza Hava (“aLEEza Hah-vuh”) interlaces the elements; earth and sky, fire and water. Her transcendent voice is reminiscent of the mystical tone of Stevie Nicks, the raw soul of Janis Joplin, and the gritty wisdom of Brandi Carlile. With her award-winning infusion of folk, rock, pop, and soul, Aliza heals the tiny forgotten bits of ourselves while rekindling our memories, setting our feet on the path back home, and calling us to rise into our best versions of ourselves.

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John Noltner – A Peace of My Mind

A Peace of My Mind is a multimedia arts project that uses portraits and personal stories to bridge divides and encourage dialogue around important issues. Through exhibits, workshops, lectures, on-site studios, and distance learning, A Peace of My Mind leads transformative experiences that help a polarized world rediscover the common humanity that connects us.

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Margaret Agard – Giving God Your Todo List

Margaret Agard is an award-winning writer whose latest book ‘In His Footsteps: How I Gave My Todo List to God and Got More Done, More Sleep and Less Stress’ is an 18-month slice of the life of a woman committed to giving her life to God by giving today to God: or how to be happy driving in rush hour traffic, dealing with frauds and facing a mountain of manure.

Margaret lives on four forested acres on a lake in Florida – viewing lake not swimming lake because, well, alligators. She and her husband Parker have 15 children between them, 38 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren. The birthday cards alone take up a lot of time.

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Folk Music, Long Hikes, and a Bath

On Friday night, we had a full house!  Rebecca and Julian came down from Staten Island and Aunt Kathy and Uncle Donnie and Daniel all came down to visit me too.  Mommy and daddy made a big dinner for everyone.  Mommy did most of the work, daddy just grilled the chicken on the grill.

Uncle Donnie petted me a lot.  Not when he was eating though.  He doesn’t like when I breathe on him while he’s eating.  I don’t know why, but he seems to get a little grumpy if I start breathing heavy on him while he’s eating.  It must still have something to do with that time my brother, Buddy grabbed a hamburger off of his plate and ate it.  I just think like, “Dude, get over it already, that was like 20 years ago and I wasn’t even born yet.”  Some people just need to let things go.  I personally would never think of taking food off of someone’s plate.  Well, I do think about it, I just don’t actually do it.  I’ve found that if I just stare into their eyes with my sad, starving, puppy dog eyes, they’ll just give me some food anyway.

I can’t even count the times that mommy and daddy have told me that they weren’t going to share with me and I just kept staring into their eyes and sure enough, I got some food.  It works every time!

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Manas Itene – Be Yourself

A native of Nigeria, Manas Itene started playing the drums when he was only eight years old.  His hard work and dedication to his craft allowed his dream of being a musician, which few in his village could understand, come to fruition many years ago.     

He is a world-class drummer and singer for Michael Franti & Spearhead.  He has been part of the band for over 22 years.

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The Power of a Hand Written Note

When I was in the lumber business, the majority of my customers were first- and second-generation Italians.  They were straight forward no-nonsense business people.  They demanded my best performance, but were very fair.  They weren’t into playing games with pricing.  They wanted me to give them whatever our best and fairest pricing was first, no back and forth, just what was the best that we could offer and then make sure that we delivered on the service end.  That second part was always the most important thing for all of them.  Service, service, service.

If we made a mistake, they didn’t want to hear excuses, they just wanted us to own it and make it right.  It wasn’t the mistake that would potentially cost us future business, it was our reaction or non-reaction to it that would cost us future business.

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Two States twice, One state Thrice

I liked the state park, my daddy and I went for a three-mile walk on the trail loop that was there and it was really pretty.  We went through fields and woods and walked right near the lake.  I wasn’t allowed to go swimming in that lake though because the algae count was too high.  I don’t know what that meant, but I know that my daddy doesn’t ever want me to get sick.

One time when we were at the state park, April and Justin came to our house on wheels and visited me!  I liked them both, other than the fact that they smelled like that Georgia chick.  Although, while they were in my house on wheels, I made sure that I rubbed up against them every chance that I got so that Georgia would smell me when they got back to her!  Two can play that game, girl!

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Today I am grateful for our family, beautiful weather, long walks, youth sports, and His salvation.

I have discovered over the past few years that having an attitude of gratitude is a really good approach to living a healthy life.  There are already so many things in this world that can get us down, so we really need to make an effort to be grateful and positive.  A positive mindset and the positive energy that is a product of that mindset will lead to a healthier mind, body, and soul.  All three are interconnected, but it first starts with our mind and mental health.  We can’t always control what happens to us, but we can always control how we react to it.  Therefore, even on our worst days, we must truly make an effort to find the positive in every situation, I assure you that it is there if we look for it.

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