Tag: Positive Coaching Alliance

Stephen Sauer – A surprise, baseball memories, a legacy, and teaching life lessons.

Stephen was part of the pioneering Berkshire Red Sox teams.  He joined the organization in its second year of existence, just after he graduated high school and while he was attending Kutztown University.

He now resides in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and is the head baseball coach and guidance counselor at North Stokes High School in Danbury, NC.

As I was mapping out our return trip to Florida, I realized that the Lord had the stars align for us to see Stephen coach a road game against one of their big rivals, Mt. Airy.

One of the things that my mom used to love to do on her travels was surprise people by showing up on their door step, place of employment, or anywhere else that she could track them down at.  Honestly, at the time, I thought that it was always kind of goofy.  However, as I age, I also seem to now get a certain sense of satisfaction with the element of surprise as well.

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