Tag: Raptor Education Group

Birds of a Feather

As the old English proverb says, “Birds of a feather flock together.”

The meaning of the proverb is that beings (typically humans) of similar type, interest, personality, character, or another distinctive attribute tend to mutually associate.

I think that is a great description for the fellow volunteers who we have met over the past couple of years through A Year to Volunteer (Y2V). It was no different for those who came together at our most recent Y2V project at the Raptor Education Group (REGI) in Antigo, Wisconsin.  Just like the birds that we would be helping for the next two weeks, our group of volunteers migrated from all over the country to land in Antigo.  We came from the north, south, east, and west to lend a hand to this amazing organization.  We were all from different backgrounds, yet all have the same desire to give back.  Many of us had worked on previous projects together, so we greeted each other with smiles and hugs.

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We moved for a month, then stopped again

When my mommy and daddy were volunteering at the bird place in Wisconsin, me and daddy would get up early and walk on some of the really neat trails around where we were staying.  Then on some days, me and mommy and daddy would go for another walk in the afternoon when they were done volunteering!  Those days were the best days!

I loved getting to see all my friends that mommy and daddy volunteer with too.  They all love me.  Phil and Shar, John and Karen, Tom and Theresa, Gary and Jan, Eric and Jen, Jeff and Susan, Dennis and Debbie, Orien, and then I met John and Vicki too.  Then in the second week of the project, I was surprised when I saw Mike and Terri walking past our house on wheels!  I was so excited to see Mike that I almost pulled my daddy over just to get to him so that he could pet me!  Mike is a really good petter!  He hits all the right spots!  Terri is a really good petter too!  That made my day when I saw Mike and Terri.

After we left the bird place, we were heading back to Pennsylvania, but we were going to take the long way there.  We went back through the Michigan Upper Peninsula, just like when we went out to the bird place.  Our first night we stayed on a farm and they had nice trails there.  Me and mommy and daddy took a nice hike there.

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Mike and Terri McIlraith – Fellow Full-timers with a Passion to Give Back

Mike and Terri are fellow full-time RVers who have an incredible passion to give back.  We first met them in Antigo, Wisconsin during our first A Year to Volunteer project at the Raptor Education Group.  Sandy and I arrived at the project midway through.  We were working on different parts of the project, so we really didn’t have much of an opportunity to get to know them.

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Marge Gibson – A Life of Giving to the Birds

Marge is the founder and executive director of the Raptor Education Group, Inc. in Antigo, Wisconsin.

Sandy and spent one week volunteering at REGI through the A Year to Volunteer project.  It was one of the most impactful experiences of our lives.  I wrote extensively about it in my blog last week.

The day after our group completed the project, Sandy and I were able to go back over to REGI and spend some time with her and record this podcast.

She is truly one of the most kind, genuine and compassionate humans that we’ve ever met.

The work that she and her staff are doing at REGI is exceptional.

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A Week that was for the Birds

Fred Rogers used to say, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'”

There are a lot of scary things in the news these days, so for the past week Sandy and I were blessed to be surrounded by the helpers, and it was beautiful.  What was even more significant is that this amazing group of helpers was helping another incredible group of helpers at the Raptor Education Group, Inc. (REGI).  The icing on the cake is that REGI is led by one of the most remarkable helpers we’ve ever met, named Marge Gibson, who is the founder and Executive Director of the organization.

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