Tag: Self-Improvement

Alan Lazaros – Leveling Up on Self Improvement

Alan lost his father at age 2, when he passed away in a car accident. At age 26, after getting into a nearly fatal car accident himself, he questioned everything he was doing in life. He questioned who he was and the choices he was making. He was at an all-time low, and he learned the hard way that external success is empty when it’s not aligned with who you really are and who you really aspire to be.

Filled with pain, regret, and confusion, he searched for answers and finally found what he had been missing all this time, Holistic Self-Improvement. After that, he dug DEEP into every podcast, course, Ted Talk, and book he could get his hands on.

This process not only transformed his entire life, but it also helped him muster the courage to trade in an unfulfilling career for a deeply meaningful calling he was proud to go ALL IN on.

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Billy Lahr – Live More Intentionally

In 2021, Billy was one of 47 million Americans who quit their jobs due to burnout and priority re-evaluation.  Following the challenges our nation’s educators faced during the pandemic, he no longer had the passion needed to work with high school students.  For the next two years, he traveled all over the world in search of meaningful experiences to reignite his passion for helping others.  Throughout his journey, he met many incredible people along the way, and he shared with them how his mindfulness practice not only changed his life but most likely saved it as well.  When he opened up about his own mental health struggles, he found that people all over the world were also re-evaluating their priorities in life but just needed guidance to do so more intentionally and mindfully.

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Nikki LaCroce – The Need for Human Connection

Raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Nikki made a long-awaited move to the west coast in 2017.

It wasn’t long after that Nikki realized relocating was only one of the big changes she needed to make in her life. After spending a decade working in tech, Nikki found herself lacking a sense of fulfillment and made the decision to start therapy in an effort to unearth her purpose.

In early 2021, Nikki experienced what she now refers to as her “personal Armageddon”, as she left a decade long abusive relationship and simultaneously was faced with the unexpected loss of her mother amidst the peak of the pandemic.

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Rebecca Whitman – 7 Pillars of Abundance

Rebecca is a Life Coach, Podcaster and Author. She was recently selected as Top Life Coach of the Year for 2022 by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP).

Rebecca transforms women from burned out to balanced, beautiful, and abundant through her 7 Pillars of Abundance.  She mentors burned out women to leave toxic relationships and magnetize their soul mate at any stage of life.

She is the creator of the 6 Figure Side Hustle program helping women to exit from unfulfilling jobs to a profitable purpose.

She is a bestselling author of three books on business mindset & award-winning Host of the Balanced, Beautiful & Abundant podcast.

Rebecca considers herself the Magnetic Abundance Mentor, a graduate with honors from Princeton University.

She helps people achieve balance within these seven areas so they can experience more fun and freedom in life!

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Erin Gray – Generate a Life Well Lived

Money is a passion of Erin’s.  She is a former CFP® and had 10 years of running her family’s construction business. Even though she had accomplished all the things and checked all of the boxes that society told should be checked, she was still left feeling unfulfilled and frustrated.  She decided she wanted to live a life that was in the moment and not wait until retirement life.  Her and her family sold their two houses, moved to Maui and now travel while she is building the global community of Generate a Life Well Lived. 

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Connie Ellefson – Declutter Body, Mind, and Stuff

Connie Ellefson is an engineer, author and professional organizer working in the Denver metro area, helping people release the incredible amount of creativity and energy tied up in unnecessary clutter. Whether physical, mental, or possessional, clutter takes up space in our psyches and calendars that could be put to more productive, creative, and fun use.

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Rachel Awes – The Need for Relationships

“I work as a psychologist, author, and art playgroundist, who loves listening to and highlighting the beauty in people. I do all of this colorfully, with how I dress (I’m a clothing influencer/ambassador too) and how I illustrate my books (I have another colorful personal growth book releasing early November 2022 called “The Relationship Book: A Soulful, Transformational, and Artistic Inventory of Your Connective Life”) and how I LIVE.”

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Don Colliver – Clown Presence

Don has performed with the Blue Man Group, toured internationally as a theatrical Clown for contemporary circus Spiegelworld, and is listed in the Cirque du Soleil performer database.

Don’s mission is to help every communicator profoundly impact their audience through the power of authenticity, listening, and play: the Secrets of Clown!

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Mitch Hankins – The DeBug Life

Mitch Hankins is a cloud-certified full-stack developer who speaks to professionals who struggle to find meaning in life. He has developed his expertise by working with some of the largest organizations in the US, including Nasdaq and the US Military. With over a decade of professional experience, Mitch noticed he and his colleagues often struggled with feelings of isolation. This often led to an unfulfilled life where complacency and loneliness were the norms. Mitch can help any engineer with feelings of loneliness to experience a fuller and more connected life.

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Shannon Petrovich – Out of the Fog Into the Clear

In this episode of “The Journey of My Mother’s Son” podcast, I sit down to talk with Shannon Petrovich.

Therapist, Author, YouTube creator, Shannon earned her Bachelor’s degree from Bowdoin College, and her Master’s in Social Work from the University of Connecticut. She earned her clinical licenses in Social Work and Substance Abuse Counseling, and is a Board-Certified Diplomate in Clinical Social Work.

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Tabatha Perry – Small Edits

Tabatha Perry is the ultimate go-to for women that are the non 9-5ers. She encourages and equips women that are wanting less chaos and to get their daily life on track! With over 15 years of experience in the Criminal Justice System, 20+ moves under her belt, has a Masters in Social Worker, girl-mom, wifey and Life Coach, she’s got advice that will make any day less stressful for the woman juggling many balls in the air! As a professional over-thinker, she’s learned how to simplify her day and loves helping women create simple & small edits in their daily life so they step into their fullest God-given potential!

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