Tag: travel

Billy Lahr – Live More Intentionally

In 2021, Billy was one of 47 million Americans who quit their jobs due to burnout and priority re-evaluation.  Following the challenges our nation’s educators faced during the pandemic, he no longer had the passion needed to work with high school students.  For the next two years, he traveled all over the world in search of meaningful experiences to reignite his passion for helping others.  Throughout his journey, he met many incredible people along the way, and he shared with them how his mindfulness practice not only changed his life but most likely saved it as well.  When he opened up about his own mental health struggles, he found that people all over the world were also re-evaluating their priorities in life but just needed guidance to do so more intentionally and mindfully.

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Erin Gray – Generate a Life Well Lived

Money is a passion of Erin’s.  She is a former CFP® and had 10 years of running her family’s construction business. Even though she had accomplished all the things and checked all of the boxes that society told should be checked, she was still left feeling unfulfilled and frustrated.  She decided she wanted to live a life that was in the moment and not wait until retirement life.  Her and her family sold their two houses, moved to Maui and now travel while she is building the global community of Generate a Life Well Lived. 

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Victoria Wolf – GF Explorers

Victoria and Rich met later in life and have been making up for lost time for the last ten years. The one love they both shared, food, brought them together and still takes them on great adventures today. From creating a line of gluten-free baked goods to their how-to cooking videos, food is at the center of their lives. Taking the leap to full-time RV living was both exhilarating and terrifying, but they knew in their hearts it would be a great decision. They both work from the road, running their three businesses: book publishing, content creation, and art. There is never a day without an adventure in their RV life and if you think they miss home, well, home is where you park it.

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Daphne Erhart – Traveling for the Soul

Dr. Daphne Erhart, is an international life coach, psychologist, master NLP practitioner, bestselling author, speaker, world traveler, self-care expert, and founder of spa4thesoul. 

With over 25 years of experience in the field of psychology, Dr. Daphne knows how crucial it is to nurture your inner self first.  She leads clients through this process of mental, physical, and emotional wellness.

Join Dr. Daphne’s Soul Spa to nurture and transform your inner self and live the life of your dreams via self-care experiences. You can live a deeply satisfying and healthy lifestyle by experiencing new ways of thinking, living, being, and relating. 

She is inspired by witnessing the deep happiness, health, and fulfillment of those who take care of themselves and have changed their lives as well as the preventable suffering from unresolved problems and diseases.

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Laura DiSisto – Resurfacing

Laura DeSisto has been writing professionally her whole life and has just written her first book, Resurfacing: Sisterhood, Sharks and Storms, a memoir, which details her journey from depressed empty nester to badass, middle-aged scuba diver who frequently dives with man-eating sharks – on purpose. Laura fervently believes that when we grow the guts to pursue our wildest dreams, we can move others to do the same, which will make the world a better place.

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Chancellor Jackson – 14 Days in Beijing

Chancellor K Jackson was born in Fulton County, Georgia, to Native American parents, grew up in Smyrna, Georgia, and attended Stetson University. For nine years he played football at the high school and collegiate level. After graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication and Media Studies, Chancellor lived abroad in China from 2018-2019. Chancellor fell into writing after his traumatic experience of being arrested, and detained in Beijing for 14 days. His first book, “14 Days in Beijing” has ranked #1 over fifteen times on Amazon in multiple genres. Chancellor has also released a romance saga about a man’s first step towards gaining emotional intelligence titled ‘You Love and You Learn’ & ‘Real Love Never Dies’ now available on Amazon.

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Jim Wade – Every Trip Has a Story

Sandy and I were able to get into Boise, Idaho and visit with my cousin Jim, his wife Patti, their daughter Jen and her husband Anthony.  It was short visit, but we had a great time catching up and trading stories of our travel adventures.

Jim, like most of us on the Wade side of our family have that wandering travel bug in us.  The root of the word “Wade” meant “to go,” and many of us have taken that to heart.

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