Month: December 2022

Our first week back to Volunteer at the Dream Center

Although intimidating at first, what happens in that old prison is truly God’s Grace on display.  That old prison in Southeast Texas is now a faith-based addictions recovery center called The Dream Center of Southeast Texas.

Since that first trip there in September of 2020, we have been back to volunteer a couple of times.  We have even just stopped to visit when passing through once.

We love volunteering there and love what the organization does.

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Debby Kruszewski – Dream Pollinator

After being Dream Crushed by Corporate America, Debby listened to the voice within that said “Leave this place and start writing!” She is a published Author of Soul Meets Body, Precious and Fragile Things and Live to Tell. Her fourth novel, Date with Kate, is in process. All of her novels are about following your heart. In addition to her novels, she writes an Inspirational Blog.

She is a Certified Dream Manager Coach and Business Consultant.

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Dai Manuel – Embracing Change

He is an award-winning digital thought leader and author, Distinguished Toastmaster & keynote speaker, former partner and Chief Operating Officer of a multi-million dollar retail company, and a sought after lifestyle mentor and executive performance coach.

Dai knows the struggle of the juggle and keeping his health and happiness a priority. He models his work based on 5 F’s: Fitness, Family, Faith, and Finances with an overarching roof of FUN, built on a rock-solid foundation of Health. Nuggets of wisdom and inspiration to take action to be your best self are guaranteed when you connect with Dai!

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A Return Visit to Sam Houston Jones State Park

Among many other things, our group built a fence at the entrance, repainted the office, built tent pads, built a 500’ fishing pier/boardwalk, repainted signs, cleaned up tons of debris, grinded countless stumps, planted wildflowers, refinished playground equipment, cleared and rebuilt the Orange Trail, built culvert dams, and painted a flag pole.

It was a project that was extremely gratifying.

I think even more so for Sandy and I because we have friends in the area and we helped with relief efforts in the area a couple of weeks after Laura came through.

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