The Journey


Peace, Love, and Music

Our neighbors for the weekend greeted us with smiles and offered any help we needed setting up.  Quickly understanding the concept, I helped our one set of neighbors get their pop-up tent in place.  When they heard that we were first-time festival goers, they’d quickly offer advice as to the best practices to get the most out of the festival. Hearing the stories about how long some of these people had been attending the festival was absolutely amazing.  One had been coming every year since 1969, others were at their 15th, 20th or 30th festival.  One guy, now in his 30’s grew up at the festival, first attending with his parents as an infant and continuing to make the trek now as an adult.  They came from all over, near and far.  The gentleman that has been coming since 1969, Allen, flew in from Ogden, Utah and rented an RV for the weekend with a buddy.  He originally grew up in the Philly area, but said that he’d never miss a fest, regardless of the distance that he might have to travel.  When I told him that this was our festival, he said, “Man I gotta give you a hug, this is gonna change your life!  There’s nothing here but peace, love, and music.” At this point, we were only there for about an hour, but I knew that we in a special place.  This wasn’t just a music festival; it was a community.

Youkilis, the Golden Retriever



Today marks three months since Youk crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We still absolutely love our full-time RV lifestyle, but things are different now. We’re slowly adjusting, but we do have our moments when a small reminder can overtake us with emotion.  That’s the way that grief works, though.  You never get over it.  You never outgrow it.  You never heal from it.  You simply evolve through it.  Grief is like the ocean waves.  One day they’re calm, the next day they can be rough, no matter what, they’re ever constant.  Whether a pet, a family member, or a friend.  They take a piece of us with them when they leave, but they also leave a piece of themselves with us in the form of memories.  So much of our lives over the past fifteen years revolved around Youk.  Before we traveled full-time, and even more so once we started traveling.  Anytime that we went anywhere, we first had to make sure that Youk would be safe while we were gone.  Running the generator so that we could turn the air conditioner on for him if we were doing something that he couldn’t do with us.  Always checking to see what places were pet friendly so that he could experience it with us.  It’s just what we did.  Anyone with a pet, certainly understands what I’m talking about. Our life is still great, but now it’s different.

Many Little People


Matthew Lesko – Finding Money

Matthew is an energetic, passionate advocate with over 40 years of experience helping Americans access billions in government funding. Known for his colorful suits and infectious enthusiasm, he has made it his mission to reveal hidden pathways to financial support for everyday people. With a background that includes over 100 television appearances on Oprah, Larry King Live, and Good Morning America, as well as more than 4 million books sold, Matthew is a captivating storyteller who connects with audiences from all walks of life. Today, at 81, Matthew is not slowing down. His community, Lesko Help, has grown to over 15,000 members, where he empowers individuals to cut through red tape and access funds they may not know exist. In a time of economic uncertainty, he’s dedicated to teaching people how to get the support they need from resources they already pay for with their tax dollars.

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