Slow Down
When we were out at Stephie’s house, we would get up early every morning and start our walk by walking with Garrett and Lillian down to the bus stop. I would get so excited when I would see Garrett and Lillian in the morning. Daddy and I would get up early in the morning and walk from our house on wheels up towards their garage door and wait for them to come out. When I saw them, my tail would start wagging so fast and so hard, I sometimes thought that my butt might fly off, but luckily, it hasn’t yet. You can tell that I’m really happy when I’m wagging my tail so hard that my butt is flying around too. When they see me wagging my butt and tail like that, they get really happy too! They start smiling from ear to ear and say, “Good Morning Youkie!” and start petting me and then I just get more and more excited after that. I love when people pet me!
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