Tag: Holistic Healing

Darlene Greene – Take Charge of your Health

Darlene Greene has over 26 years of experience in executive leadership and senior management positions across diverse industries, including positions such as: Vice President of Strategic Technology Partner at McAfee (Intel), Dean of Culver Girls Academy, Director of Client Services for HyeTech Networks and Security, and Senior Director LifeWave Foundational Cell Activation Technology.  During her 20 years of military experience, she earned her MBA and held three Commanding Officer positions, including serving as base commander and overseeing over 1200 personnel.  Darlene created the Returning Warrior Weekend Workshop in 2006 to help military members and their spouses reintegrate successfully – a program still supporting military across the country today. 

Darlene’s passion today is helping people elevate their GHK-CU peptide to activate their stem cells, repair their DNA, reverse age, and get out of pain through the latest photo biomodulation technology.

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Beth Dana – Wellth Living

Beth brings a feminine, holistic approach to the, sometimes, masculine financial environment by creating a space of financial wellness and wholeness.

During her career in the financial industry, she recognized it being a very masculine, action-oriented profession, and the feminine, heart-centered approach was missing.

With her direct experience being in the financial industry, along with her own journey in healing her relationship with money, she wrote her first book ‘Make Money Your Partner: Your 30-Day Guide To Financial Wellness and Healing’ in 2019.

She makes financial education and planning for the future empowering and exciting, creating positive, tangible results through wealthy and healthy money habits, to begin living a financially conscious life.

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