Author: Youkilis (The Golden Retriever)

We moved for a month, then stopped again

When my mommy and daddy were volunteering at the bird place in Wisconsin, me and daddy would get up early and walk on some of the really neat trails around where we were staying.  Then on some days, me and mommy and daddy would go for another walk in the afternoon when they were done volunteering!  Those days were the best days!

I loved getting to see all my friends that mommy and daddy volunteer with too.  They all love me.  Phil and Shar, John and Karen, Tom and Theresa, Gary and Jan, Eric and Jen, Jeff and Susan, Dennis and Debbie, Orien, and then I met John and Vicki too.  Then in the second week of the project, I was surprised when I saw Mike and Terri walking past our house on wheels!  I was so excited to see Mike that I almost pulled my daddy over just to get to him so that he could pet me!  Mike is a really good petter!  He hits all the right spots!  Terri is a really good petter too!  That made my day when I saw Mike and Terri.

After we left the bird place, we were heading back to Pennsylvania, but we were going to take the long way there.  We went back through the Michigan Upper Peninsula, just like when we went out to the bird place.  Our first night we stayed on a farm and they had nice trails there.  Me and mommy and daddy took a nice hike there.

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Folk Music, Long Hikes, and a Bath

On Friday night, we had a full house!  Rebecca and Julian came down from Staten Island and Aunt Kathy and Uncle Donnie and Daniel all came down to visit me too.  Mommy and daddy made a big dinner for everyone.  Mommy did most of the work, daddy just grilled the chicken on the grill.

Uncle Donnie petted me a lot.  Not when he was eating though.  He doesn’t like when I breathe on him while he’s eating.  I don’t know why, but he seems to get a little grumpy if I start breathing heavy on him while he’s eating.  It must still have something to do with that time my brother, Buddy grabbed a hamburger off of his plate and ate it.  I just think like, “Dude, get over it already, that was like 20 years ago and I wasn’t even born yet.”  Some people just need to let things go.  I personally would never think of taking food off of someone’s plate.  Well, I do think about it, I just don’t actually do it.  I’ve found that if I just stare into their eyes with my sad, starving, puppy dog eyes, they’ll just give me some food anyway.

I can’t even count the times that mommy and daddy have told me that they weren’t going to share with me and I just kept staring into their eyes and sure enough, I got some food.  It works every time!

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We’ve been in Pennsylvania for a Longtime

After Knoebel’s, we went to Stephie and Eric’s house for a little over a week.  That was fun too.  Eric put in 30-amp service just for me!  That way I could stay cool in the air conditioning on the days that it got really hot.  And let me tell you, it got really hot on some of those days!  Daddy and I would have to get up at like 5 o’clock in the morning so that we could get our walks in before it was too hot.  We went on some long walks too.  One day, we walked over eight miles.  Daddy was tired, but I could have kept walking.  Me and daddy are training to do the Mammoth March in New Jersey on October 2.  That’s a 20=mile hike that we have to do in eight hours.  Rebecca is going to meet us there and hike with us.  Mommy is volunteering and helping the organizers run the event.  I’m so excited about that.  Sometimes I really have to stay on daddy to keep up our training.  He’ll want to sleep in, but I’m right there to nudge him with my cold nose so that he gets his last butt out of bed and we can train for the Mammoth March.

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Walking to Heal

I find the best way to help the humans heal is to be here for them to pet me and to make sure that I’m walking them on a regular basis.  There’s nothing better for healing your soul than getting out into the fresh air and moving your body.

I walk daddy the most, but I also walk mommy and daddy at the same time a lot too.  Sometimes I walk mommy, and daddy, and Rebecca, and even mommy, and daddy, and Rebecca, and Matthew!  Some people probably think, “How can he control walking four humans at once?”  Well, I’ll tell you, it isn’t easy sometimes.  These guys have a tendency to drift at times, but I round them up and keep them in line.  I also protect them from squirrels, and rabbits, and other dogs.  I make sure that all of those mean creatures know that they’re my humans and I’m taking care of them.

We’ve gone on some nice walks throughout the neighborhood, which I enjoy.  Long walks and short walks are both nice, I prefer long, but any walk is good.

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