Tag: Golden Retriever

Happy Birthday to Me!

Always try to make people smile and feel happy. You never know what they may be going through.
Don’t bite when a bark will do.
Always make time to take a walk, and get into nature.
Anytime is a good time for a nap.
You’ll get more treats when you’re nice.
Take time to smell the roses, as well as anything else that you can smell.
Always make time to play.
Be grateful.
Live in the moment.
Enjoy the journey.

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I’m a Salty Dog!

I’ve been in the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and the Great Salt Lake.  This summer, when we go through Canada and Alaska, I’m even going to get to see the Artic Ocean.  Daddy says that the water will be too cold for me to dip my paws into it, but I sure hope that daddy is wrong about that.  It’s going to be in June, so I hope that it isn’t too cold.  I hope that mommy and daddy let me get my paws wet.  Even if is too cold for me to dip my toes in it, I’ll still be happy just to be able to see it.

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These Paws

I put this in my book, but I don’t think that I can ever stress it enough, so I am going to put here again, and hope that more people take heed to my rules to live by.

Always try to make people smile and feel happy. You never know what they may be going through.
Don’t bite when a bark will do.
Always make time to take a walk, and get into nature.
Anytime is a good time for a nap.
You’ll get more treats when you’re nice.
Take time to smell the roses, as well as anything else that you can smell.
Always make time to play.
Be grateful.
Live in the moment.
Enjoy the journey.

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I’ve Been So Busy!

I really liked getting to meet so many new people in Lake Charles.  I met Janet and Amy and Dave and Stan and Eric and Marty and Barrett and Cody and Brittany.  Barrett and Cody and Brittany even came to visit me in the house on wheels.  They all said that they were there to do a podcast with daddy, but I know that they just used that as an excuse to hang out with me for a little while, but I’ll let daddy think that they were there for his podcast.  I even got to talk a little bit on the podcast that daddy did with Barrett.  Daddy didn’t seem really happy about that, but I just wanted to make sure that everybody knew that I was there too.

I also loved getting to see people that I already knew again!  I got to see Phil and Shar and Mike and Terri and John and Karen and Orien and Jeff and Susan again.  Phil and Shar and Mike and Terri all came to visit me in the house on wheels too.  I made sure that I really rubbed up on Phil and Shar so that Domino knew that his mommy and daddy were with me.  I had more visitors in the house on wheels during this project than ever before!

I also got to see Lori a couple of times again when we were in Lake Charles, she even came to the park to visit me in the house on wheels.

It was the greatest thing ever!  I love getting visitors in the house on wheels because they all pet me really good.

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We’ve had a couple of Lazy Days Lately!

We were wondering what we were going to do on Wednesday.  Daddy said that we had an extra day before we were scheduled to visit with Lori and TP in Louisiana.  We were going to get gas and then head to the opposite Mississippi Welcome Center for the night.

While we were at the Pilot, mommy and daddy got a text from Shar from A Year to Volunteer.  She told them that she heard that we were in the area and we needed to get our butts over to their project.  Now we knew what we’d be doing on our extra day!

Mommy and daddy were thinking about asking Shar if they needed help because we found out that we were close by, but they didn’t want to be a bother.  Well, Shar made it very clear that they should never feel like that again!

When we got to the project, Shar met us at the end of the road.  We picked her up and she sat next to me in the house on wheels.  I rubbed all up on her so that Domino would know that I was with his mommy!  I’ve had to smell him on my mommy and daddy enough before, now it was his turn to smell me on his mommy!

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I Loved CAP Kid Camp!

Sure enough, as soon as I went out on Saturday morning to do my business, I went right to work making people smile!  First it was a CAP Kid dad, then a CAP Kid Mom and sister and then after breakfast, it was off to the races!  Daddy and I went down the trail to the archery range first and all of the CAP Kids in that group and even some of their parents came over to pet me.  I was making all of them smile!

Then we went to the high ropes course to see the other group of CAP Kids and bingo!  I was at it again!  Letting people pet me and handing out smiles like it was my job!  Well, actually, it is my job and I’m really good at it.

Alice and Zelda might have loved me the most, but it was really too close to call.  All of the CAP Kids loved me a lot.  I loved all of the CAP Kids equally, I didn’t have any favorites at all.  They were all tremendous!

Now I knew why mommy and daddy were so excited about this CAP Kid Camp.  It’s because these CAP Kids and their families are super-duper special!  You see I found out that alopecia is an auto-immune disorder that causes people’s hair to fall out and I don’t mean shedding like I do.  It really falls out.  Depending on what type of alopecia they have, it can be anywhere from small spots to losing all of their hair.  But you know what, these kids were awesome with or without hair.

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I mean, let’s face it, my mommy and daddy are always telling me that I’m a good boy.  They’re not wrong.  So, I think that because I’m such a good boy, I deserve every nice breakfast, treat from a stranger, and all of the other nice things that I get.  In my doggy opinion, none of this seems to make me spoiled, just well-deserved because I’m such a good boy!

Think of all of the nice things that I do.

I love my mommy and daddy unconditionally.

I try to make every person I meet smile.

I protect my mommy and daddy from those mean squirrels at the park.

If my mommy or daddy or anyone else drops food on the floor, I am more than willing to help clean it up right away.

I make sure that my mommy and daddy stay in shape and healthy by taking them for as many walks as I can.

Sometimes I just start barking and everyone tries to figure out why.  I’m really just announcing my presence with authority.

I cuddle with my mommy and daddy whenever I want, even if they don’t want me to.

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It was a House on Wheels Festival!

Every time that mommy and daddy would come back from being inside the second fence, they would smell like some delicious food.  Like funnel cakes, French fries, crepes, pizza, ice cream and all kinds of other stuff.  But they never seemed to bring anything back for me!  What was that all about?  On the rainy day, they did bring some food back to the house on wheels, but they still didn’t share any with me.  They brought back Italian sandwiches with onions and I can’t have onions!  Why would they do such a thing?

Mommy and daddy really enjoyed themselves at the House on Wheels Festival.  Every time that they came back to our house on wheels, they’d talk about how much fun they had and all of the friends that they got to see.  Everyone that they saw at the House on Wheels Festival were people who volunteered with them on one of their A Year to Volunteer projects.

They got to see Phil and Shar every day except for on the rainy day.  I knew when they’d see Phil and Shar because I could smell that Domino character on them when they’d get back.

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Living My Best Life in Largo

Once the weekend came around, I was really in heaven!  There were so many people that came over to Cousin Carole’s house just to see me that I could hardly keep track of everyone.

It actually started on Thursday already when Tim came up to the house on wheels to see me.  I love Tim.  He’s always so happy.  Tim is a really good petter too.  Later Thursday evening, Cousin Carole’s neighbor, Ed came over to see me.  I must say that he was quite a good petter too.  He brought over some fudge, which smelled amazing, but I can’t have any.  No matter how much of a sad puppy dog face I put on, mommy and daddy won’t ever let me have any fudge.

Friday was like Grand Central Station at Cousin Carole’s house.  It started right away on Friday morning when Cousin Carole’s friends Brian and Lisa arrived.  Of course, they both fell in love with me right away.  Later on in the day, more friends showed up.  Lisa made some chicken for dinner, but I didn’t get any.  They all used the, “it’s too spicy for you” line on me, but it smelled so good.

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Utah Sure was Salty and Red

We drove into Ogden, Utah and stayed at another Cracker Barrel.  I heard mommy talking to Aunt Cheryl on the phone the other day, and Aunt Cheryl told mommy that she should order a side order of bacon to go and bring it to me in the house on wheels the next time that we go to a Cracker Barrel.  So, I was really excited that we were at another Cracker Barrel!  That’s why I love Aunt Cheryl so much, she has great ideas!  Did you know that when we go to stay at Aunt Cheryl’s house that she always has a bag of bacon already cooked up just for me?  She keeps it in the refrigerator, so we just need to heat it up (or just eat it cold).  I don’t care either way.   It’s pretty awesome.  I mean she says that it’s for her and mommy and daddy too, but I know that she really does it just for me!  I’ll let mommy and daddy think that it’s for them too, but it will be me and Aunt Cheryl’s little secret that it’s really just for me.

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